MoxiGames Service for Beeline Subscribers

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MoxiGames Service for Beeline Subscribers

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Beeline launches partnership with MoxiGames-platform, which allows you to download and play the latest games.


In terms of the partnership, you can subscribe to MoxiGames service for only 1 ₾ per day. To use the service:


  • Make sure you are using mobile data, not Wi-Fi;
  • Visit the MoxiGames platform, read the conditions and subscribe to the service;
  • In case of activation, you will be able to access the portal and use the service for only 1 ₾ per day. The service fee will be charged from your mobile balance;
  • To unsubscribe, go to the link of your account (using mobile data, not Wi-Fi), which you received via SMS and press the “Unsubscribe” button.

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